Integrity Golf Course Construction - Giving Back
James 1:27 "Religon that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
The first part is easy, the latter is challenging...
Intergrity Golf is proud to be a sponsor for the Breath of Heaven Children's Ministries, Lusaka, Zambia. We feel a great passion to give back to those in need and have worked closely helping to build special relationships that will last a lifetime.
10 years ago we joined lifelong friends, Ted and Judy Lawler in starting and building an orphanage in Zambia….didn’t see that coming but “something needed to be done” and our name was on it. To date, 9 homes have been built along with a school where over 300 children attend, AWESOME! Many more homes are planned along with a High School and Trade School. If you have ever wanted to give to a cause….this is one you can trust. The leadership has Integrity and grit.
Please visit their website at: